When does baby formula expire and how to make it last

Are you a new mother and not sure how to tell when baby formula expires? This article will talk about the different types of formulas, shelf life, expiration dates, and tips for making it last as long as possible. Formulae are made up of water, milk, solids (e.g. lactose), whey protein concentrate or isolate and … Read more

Why is your baby making smacking sound while bottle feeding

It’s not uncommon to hear little lip smacking sounds from your bundle of joy during bottle-feeding. These sounds can be quite adorable, but they might also make you wonder about what’s going on with your baby. Let’s explore this together! In our opinion, your baby is making smacking sound while bottle feeding because the baby … Read more

Breastfeeding Difficulties – 11 Common Problems

Breastmilk is recommended as the sole nutrient for a full-term baby for the first six months of life, yet only 13% of mothers actually achieve this goal. Although breastfeeding is considered a basic instinct that ensures survival of the newborn, it is not always easy. The recommended minimum of exclusive breastfeeding for six months, but … Read more

What is baby-led breastfeeding?

When my first child was born, I was advised by some well-wishers to follow baby-led breastfeeding. Since I was a first time mother, I did not know much and I started to do some research online and also started talking to friends and medical experts to learn more about it. This is what I found … Read more

What to do with expired baby formula

In this post we are going to talk about the various suggestions on what to do with baby formula that has expired ✅ 6 Tips on what to do with expired baby formula Does baby formula expire? Yes baby formula expires if you cross the “formula expiration date” or “use by date” mentioned on the … Read more