How to prevent diaper rash in newborn babies

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how to prevent diaper rash

Diaper rash is inflamed skin that shows up as a bright red patch on the bottom of your baby.

It can alarm many parents and is also very uncomfortable for the baby.

It generally affects babies who wear diapers regularly for extended periods.

In most cases, it clears up with simple home treatment methods and there is no reason to panic.

Diaper rash shows up as red, tender-looking skin on the  buttocks, thighs and genitals. 

Your baby seems more uncomfortable than usual, especially when you change diapers.

In this post I will tell you all you should know about Diaper rash –  Causes, prevention and other tips to make your baby comfortable.

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Causes of Diaper rash

1. Poop and urine irritation

Leaving a wet or dirty diaper on for too long can cause diaper rash. Long term exposure to urine or stool can irritate your baby’s skin.
In case your baby has frequent bowel movements, he or she may be more prone to diaper rash as the poop will irritate the skin more.

2.Bacterial infection.

The area covered by a diaper — buttocks, thighs and genitals — is warm and moist, making a perfect breeding ground for bacteria and yeast.

These rashes can be found within the creases of the skin, and they show up as red dots around the creases.

3.Chafing or rubbing

Diapers that are tight or clothing that rubs against the skin causes a rash.

4.Irritation from a new brand of diaper or wipes

Your baby may get a rash due to a reaction to  a new brand of diapers, baby wipes, or a detergent, bleach or fabric softener used to launder cloth diapers.

Other causes could be due to ingredients found in some baby lotions, powders and oils.

5.Intake of different foods

When babies start to eat solid foods, their stool content changes.

This increases the chances of getting  diaper rash.

Also changes in your baby’s diet can increase the frequency of stools, which can cause diaper rash.

Breast-fed babies may develop diaper rash in response to something the mother has eaten.

How to Prevent Diaper Rash

You can prevent diaper rash by keeping the diaper area clean and dry.

Follow these few simple guidelines to  decrease the likelihood of diaper rash.

1.Change diapers often.

Do not leave wet or dirty diapers on for too long. Change them immediately when the baby poops and as soon as possible if they pee.

2.Rinse your baby with warm water when you change diapers

 Put the baby in a sink or a tub and rinse the bottom wiith warm water. Use a moist cloth gently to clean the skin. You can use a mild soap.

Avoid using wipes which have alcohol or any fragrance. 

Gently dry the skin with a towel but avoid scrubbing.

Let the skin dry for a while.

3. Keep the diapers loose . 

This will allow air to flow into the diaper area and keep it dry. Moist conditions create favourable conditions for rashes.

Also if you tighten the diapers too much , there may be chafing and rubbing against the skin around the waist or the thighs.

This will allow air to flow into the diaper area and keep it dry. Moist conditions create favourable conditions for rashes.

Also if you tighten the diapers too much , there may be chafing and rubbing against the skin around the waist or the thighs.

4.Keep your baby’s bottom open

Whenever possible, let your baby remain without a diaper, exposing skin to fresh air .

This helps  to let it dry.

Lay your baby bare-bottomed on a large towel and keep them engaged.

5.Use an ointment

If your baby gets rashes often, apply a Petroleum jelly or zinc oxide based ointment during each diaper change.

6.Do not use cornstarch or talcum powder

These are known to  irritate the baby’s lungs.

7.If you use cloth diapers

Proper washing can help prevent diaper rash


.Diaper rash can be a real nuisance to both the baby and you. 

But you can avoid it by following the above simple guidelines.

Read More about Diaper Rash here

Carrie Walters
Carrie Walters is a young mother of Nina and Tom, who along with her husband Jake is passionate about helping moms and families find modern solutions to common parenting and lifestyle questions. Together with a team of real moms and medical experts, this young couple share sound advice and proven tips to help make your life easier. They manage this blog along with other blogs and Youtube channels on similar topics