How to Get More Sleep as a New Mom: 10 Practical Tips

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A new mom, exhausted from lack of sleep, slumped forward in a rocking chair with her eyes closed. Baby swaddled in her arms, a cup of coffee on the armrest.

You are exhausted, and you can’t seem to make sense of the world around you.

You feel like your mind is in a fog, and no matter how much coffee or caffeine you consume, it’s not helping.

You are sleep-deprived as a new mom and it’s time to understand why this is happening and what you can do about it.

Let’s take a look at the causes of sleep deprivation in new moms and practical tips for getting more restful sleep.

Key Takeaways

  • Frequent night wakings due to baby’s needs and breastfeeding can contribute to sleep deprivation in new moms.
  • Postpartum depression and stress/anxiety can make it difficult for new moms to fall asleep.
  • Health issues and lifestyle choices can affect the quality of sleep for new moms.
  • Setting realistic expectations for sleep needs, establishing a regular sleeping schedule, and seeking professional help for postpartum depression are important tips for getting more restful sleep as a new mom.


As a new mom, I know firsthand how difficult it can be to get enough sleep.

Sleep deprivation is a common problem for new moms and can have serious physical and mental health implications.

In this blog post, I want to share some practical tips that you can use as a new mom to help you get more restful sleep.

First and foremost, make sure that you are realistic about your expectations of how much sleep you will need each night.

New mothers often underestimate the amount of sleep they need because of other obligations or because they are trying to remain productive.

Set aside time each day for yourself to rest and relax so that your body can properly recharge.

Try to establish a regular sleeping schedule where possible, so your body gets used to going to bed at the same time every night.

This helps regulate your circadian rhythm and allows your body to prepare for deep, restorative sleep.

Additionally, limit caffeine intake in the evening hours as it can increase alertness which hinders quality sleep patterns.

If breastfeeding is an option for you, try using feedings as an opportunity for naps during the day when possible instead of feeling like you have to stay awake all the time or miss out on feeding times with your baby.

And if postpartum depression is something that you’re struggling with, don’t hesitate to speak with a professional about ways in which you can address these feelings without sacrificing too much sleep in order to cope with them effectively.

Different causes of sleep deprivation in new moms

And spoon placed side-by-side with colorful vegetables arranged around them in a circle

You’re likely facing a variety of factors that may be causing your lack of sleep, such as frequent night wakings, breastfeeding, and postpartum depression.

Frequent night wakings are common in new moms due to the baby’s needs for nighttime feedings or comfort.

Breastfeeding can also contribute to sleep deprivation as it requires more nighttime wakeups than bottle feeding.

Additionally, many new moms experience postpartum depression which can cause difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep throughout the night.

Sleep deprivation can also be caused by a number of other factors including stress, anxiety, health issues, and lifestyle choices like exercising too late at night or eating too close to bedtime.

To understand what might be causing your sleep deprivation, it is important to consider all possibilities and then make any necessary changes in order to get enough sleep each night.

It is essential for new mothers to prioritize their own rest in order to take care of themselves and their babies properly.

There are several tips that may help you manage your lack of sleep.

These include creating an evening routine that helps you relax before bed, avoiding caffeine late in the day, minimizing blue light exposure before bed, establishing a consistent bedtime, taking short naps during the day if needed, setting realistic expectations about how much you can accomplish while tired, and asking for help from family or friends when possible.

10 practical tips that Moms can use to get more sleep

If you’re a new mom struggling with sleep deprivation, there are practical tips that you can use to get more rest.

Napping during the day and co-sleeping with your baby, hiring a night nurse, creating a sleep schedule for your baby, and avoiding caffeine and alcohol before bed are all good places to start.

Don’t be afraid to reach out for help – small changes can make a big difference in the amount of sleep you get each night!

Napping during the day

Napping during the day can be a great way for new moms to get some much-needed rest. To maximize the benefits, keep these tips in mind:

  • Try having regular nap times – consistency can help your body adjust and make it easier to fall asleep when you want to.
  • Aim for short naps – 20-30 minutes is usually enough time to give your body a break without entering deep sleep cycles that are harder to wake up from.
  • Create an environment that’s conducive to sleep – this could include soft lighting, comfortable bedding, and minimal noise distractions.

Co-sleeping with your baby

Co-sleeping with your baby can be a great way to bond and provide the comfort both of you need.

It’s all about creating a safe sleeping environment for everyone involved.

When done safely, co-sleeping can help new moms get more rest while also providing their little ones with the security they need.

More Restful SleepIncreased Risk of SIDS
Bonding TimeDifficulty Weaning Baby from Bed
Comfort and Security for BabyLack of Privacy/Adult Space in Bedroom
If co-sleeping is something that interests you, take the time to research safety guidelines that will ensure the best possible sleep environment for both you and your baby.

Hiring a night nurse

Hiring a night nurse can be a great way for new parents to get the rest they need while still being able to bond with their baby.

It can provide parents with more energy for daytime activities and help reduce sleep deprivation.

Night nurses are typically experienced in infant care, so you can trust that your little one is safe and secure in their hands.

They also give you peace of mind, knowing that someone else is available to take care of your baby during the night.

The cost of a night nurse varies greatly depending on your area, but it’s generally an affordable option compared to hiring other forms of childcare overnight or taking turns with your partner.

You may be able to find cheaper rates through agencies or shared arrangements with another family looking for similar services.

It’s important to keep in mind that although having a night nurse may offer some relief from lack of sleep, it doesn’t replace the special bond created between parent and child when they sleep together.

But if you’re struggling with getting enough rest as a new mom, hiring a night nurse could be just what you need!

Creating a sleep schedule for your baby

Creating a sleep schedule for your baby is essential for giving them the rest they need and making sure you’re getting enough too.

Make it easy on yourself by creating a 3 column and 5 row table in markdown format to track their sleeping habits.

Take note of when they wake up, when they go down for naps, their meal times, and even when you get breaks in between.

This will help you stay organized and on top of everything that needs to be done throughout the day.

Don’t forget to add time each day for self-care; it’s important to take care of yourself too!

And if you feel overwhelmed at any point, don’t hesitate to talk with your health care provider or lactation consultant about your concerns.

Avoiding caffeine and alcohol before bed

Staying away from caffeine and alcohol before bedtime is key for getting a good night’s rest.

As a new mom, it’s important to make sure that your baby gets enough sleep.

You can help them get the best rest by avoiding caffeine and alcohol before bed.

  1. Switch out coffee or tea with decaf versions after lunchtime.
  2. Abstain from drinking any alcoholic beverages in the evenings.
  3. Don’t have anything caffeinated after dinner time.

Exercising regularly

Exercising regularly is an important part of a healthy lifestyle, especially for new moms.

Getting enough exercise can help boost your energy levels and improve your overall mood, making it easier to get through the day.

Exercise also helps reduce stress and encourages better sleep – two things that are often difficult to come by for new mothers.

Try to find activities you enjoy, whether it’s taking a brisk walk with your baby or joining a yoga class.

Even 10 minutes of exercise per day can make a difference!

Don’t forget that rest is just as important as physical activity; make sure you’re getting enough sleep each night so your body can recover and stay strong.

Eating healthy foods

It’s important to keep up your exercise routine while you’re a new mom.

But, it’s just as important to make sure you eat healthy foods too.

Eating nutritious meals and snacks will not only help give you the energy you need to care for your baby, but also help reduce stress levels that come with being a new mom.

Try mixing in lean proteins like fish, chicken, or eggs with fruits and vegetables throughout the day.

Try to avoid processed foods as much as possible since they are typically high in fat and calories without providing much nutritional value.

Additionally, stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water throughout the day; this helps keep energy levels up!

Taking a warm bath before bed

Taking a warm bath before bed can be an effective way to relax and unwind after a long day.

As a new mom, sleep deprivation can become an issue very quickly. Taking a warm bath is one of the most efficient ways to help you get ready for sleep.

The warm temperature helps your muscles relax.

It can boost your mood and mental clarity. You can add some essential oils or Epsom salt for added relaxation benefits.

It’s also a great time to unplug from technology and free up space in your mind.

A few minutes in the tub will leave you feeling calm and ready for bed.

Using relaxation techniques, such as meditation or yoga

Try using relaxation techniques like meditation or yoga to help you relax and unwind after a busy day.

Meditation helps clear the mind of stress, while yoga can provide physical relief from the aches caused by caring for a newborn.

Both are great ways to destress and recharge before bedtime.

Taking just 10 minutes out of your day for either activity can make all the difference when it comes to feeling better in the morning.

Meditation can be as simple as focusing on your breath or repeating a mantra in your head.

Alternatively, you could sign up for an online class to learn more about guided meditations or mindfulness techniques which will help you focus on one thing at a time and avoid getting overwhelmed with all that needs to be done as a new mom.

Yoga is another great way to manage stress levels during those first few weeks after giving birth.

It’s important to listen to your body and start off slowly – don’t push yourself too hard!

There are plenty of free beginner classes online which require no equipment so they’re perfect if you have little space or money available.

Just pick poses that feel comfortable and repeat them throughout each session, focusing on stretching tight muscles and breathing deeply as you go along.

Both meditation and yoga are excellent tools for managing sleep deprivation in new moms, so why not give them a try?

You’ll be amazed at how much better these practices make you feel!

Asking for help from family and friends

Asking for help from family and friends can be a great way to lighten the load after having a baby.

For sleep-deprived new moms, it can feel like a relief to get assistance with some of the tasks they are responsible for.

Here are three ways support from those close to you can make life easier:

  • Taking over childcare duties so mom can get rest
  • Doing grocery shopping or other errands
  • Offering emotional support and understanding

Having an extra set of hands around, even if only occasionally, makes it easier to manage responsibilities while still getting enough rest.

Asking for help is often seen as a sign of weakness but in reality, it’s an important part of being able to take care of both yourself and your little one.

Importance of self-care for new moms

New moms should make a point to prioritize self-care, as it’s essential for maintaining their physical and mental well-being.

Sleep deprivation is a common problem among new mothers, which can have serious effects on their health.

Self-care is an important part of managing this exhaustion and stress, so it’s important to make time for yourself when you’re a new mom.

Taking moments throughout the day to relax and recharge can help reduce the fatigue that comes with being a parent.

Activities like reading a book or taking a bath can provide much needed respite from the pressures of parenting.

Even if it’s just for 15 minutes at a time, setting aside some “me” time each day can help new moms stay energized and positive in the face of constant demands.

It also helps them stay focused on nurturing their babies without feeling overwhelmed by exhaustion or stress.

Engaging in activities that bring joy or promote relaxation are key components of self-care for any new mom.

Exercise is another way to keep your body strong while providing an outlet for tension or stress relief.

Yoga, brisk walks, and other low impact exercises are all great ways to get your heart rate up while providing some much needed fresh air away from an often chaotic home environment.

It’s important to remember that taking care of yourself as a new mom is not selfish; it’s essential for your own well-being as well as that of your baby’s!

So don’t be afraid to ask family and friends for help when needed – they want you both to be healthy and happy!


As a new mom, you are likely going through sleep deprivation and it can be a difficult process.

But take comfort in knowing that it is possible to get through this and come out stronger on the other side.

There are many resources available to help you manage your sleep deprivation, such as:

  1. Seeking advice from experienced parents or healthcare professionals.
  2. Creating a comfortable sleeping environment.
  3. Taking time for yourself and engaging in activities that bring joy.
  4. Connecting with other moms who understand what you’re going through.

No matter how challenging sleep deprivation may be, try to remember there is hope and the better days will come soon enough!

Remember too that you are not alone – reach out for support when needed and don’t forget to share your own tips for dealing with sleep deprivation in the comments section below!

Carrie Walters
Carrie Walters is a young mother of Nina and Tom, who along with her husband Jake is passionate about helping moms and families find modern solutions to common parenting and lifestyle questions. Together with a team of real moms and medical experts, this young couple share sound advice and proven tips to help make your life easier. They manage this blog along with other blogs and Youtube channels on similar topics